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carbon footprint

a measure of the amount of carbon dioxide that is produced by the activities of a person or company

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climate change

changes in the earth’s weather, including changes in temperature, wind patterns and rainfall, especially the increase in the temperature of the earth’s atmosphere that is caused by the increase of particular gases, especially carbon dioxide

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climate change denial

the fact of refusing to accept that climate change is happening and is caused by human behaviour

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global warming

the increase in temperature of the earth’s atmosphere that is caused by the increase of particular gases, especially carbon dioxide

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activities by a company or an organization that are intended to make people think that it is concerned about the environment, even if its real business actually harms the environment

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greenhouse effect

the problem of the slow steady rise in temperature of the earth’s atmosphere, caused by an increase of gases such as carbon dioxide in the air surrounding the earth, which trap the heat of the sun

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the use of natural products and energy in a way that does not harm the environment

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phantom power

the way electric power is consumed by electronic and electrical appliances while they are switched off (but are designed to draw some power) or in standby mode

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